SMS Versand aus Notes funktioniert nicht mehr.
Komponente GSMSMS meldet
2412) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): processing job submit request for job 149 and subcomponent 'COM4'.
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - INFO: Ftty::ReadChar(): interrupted.
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - DEBUG: ModemRead():ReadCharErrorCount=4
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - WARNING: Modem::Send(): no file of type 'TXT_UTF8'
SMS Versand aus Notes funktioniert nicht mehr.
Komponente GSMSMS meldet
2412) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): processing job submit request for job 149 and subcomponent 'COM4'.
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - INFO: Ftty::ReadChar(): interrupted.
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - DEBUG: ModemRead():ReadCharErrorCount=4
(3760) 19/09/02 13:03:07 - WARNING: Modem::Send(): no file of type 'TXT_UTF8'