Beim Versuch aus Outlook eine Nachricht mit einem TIF-Anhang zu faxen kommt die Fehlermeldung:
Faxversand: ... fehlerhaft
Gesendet an: 4934021045549
Status: Dateiformat-Konvertierungs-Fehler
Seiten/Dateien: 0/0
Versandbeginn: 14.03.2012 13:39:10
Verbindungsdauer: 00.00.00
Verbindungstyp: Senden Fax standard
Übertragungsmodus: 64000 Bps MMR
Betreff: Testfax
Der Eintrag für "Benutzerdefinierte OLE Konvertierung"
Von: TIF
Nach: TIF
Konverter: ImageGear
ist vorhanden.
Auszug aus dem converter-Log:
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00357d7d.tif' (TIF_ANY) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00357d82.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000002 for 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif'
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting IG conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly: Kann Datei nicht komplett laden GearError:-2480
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:40 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly (RESIZE) Open Original File Error
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintGearObject()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileViaPrint:Kann Datei nicht komplett laden
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:42 - ERROR: FFCNV32: PrintGearObject-Error!
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:43 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=5 OLE_Error=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:43 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ExecOle() schlug fehl
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): closing printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): restoring driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxConvertError: File:C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00 357d7d.tif
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting done event
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): conversion finished
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:46 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion has failed -->retry.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - INFO: ConvertFile(): 2.Trial converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif' (TIF_ANY) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 82.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000002 for 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif'
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting IG conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly: Kann Datei nicht komplett laden GearError:-2480
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:48 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly (RESIZE) Open Original File Error
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintGearObject()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileViaPrint:Kann Datei nicht komplett laden
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:50 - ERROR: FFCNV32: PrintGearObject-Error!
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:51 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=5 OLE_Error=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:51 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ExecOle() schlug fehl
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): closing printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): restoring driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxConvertError: File:C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00 357d7d.tif
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting done event
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): conversion finished
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:54 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion from C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d7 d.tif (TIF_ANY) to C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d8 2.dcx (DCX_FAX) has finally failed.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:55 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (TIF_ANY->DCX_FAX) duration : 16215ms Error ok:2 err:1
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:55 - ERROR: ConvertDocument(): source file format DCX_FAX does not exist.
Was läuft hier falsch ?
Viele Grüße
Harald Benz
Faxversand: ... fehlerhaft
Gesendet an: 4934021045549
Status: Dateiformat-Konvertierungs-Fehler
Seiten/Dateien: 0/0
Versandbeginn: 14.03.2012 13:39:10
Verbindungsdauer: 00.00.00
Verbindungstyp: Senden Fax standard
Übertragungsmodus: 64000 Bps MMR
Betreff: Testfax
Der Eintrag für "Benutzerdefinierte OLE Konvertierung"
Von: TIF
Nach: TIF
Konverter: ImageGear
ist vorhanden.
Auszug aus dem converter-Log:
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00357d7d.tif' (TIF_ANY) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00357d82.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000002 for 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif'
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting IG conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:39 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly: Kann Datei nicht komplett laden GearError:-2480
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:40 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly (RESIZE) Open Original File Error
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintGearObject()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:41 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileViaPrint:Kann Datei nicht komplett laden
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:42 - ERROR: FFCNV32: PrintGearObject-Error!
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:43 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=5 OLE_Error=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:43 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ExecOle() schlug fehl
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): closing printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): restoring driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:44 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxConvertError: File:C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00 357d7d.tif
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting done event
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): conversion finished
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:45 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:46 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion has failed -->retry.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - INFO: ConvertFile(): 2.Trial converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif' (TIF_ANY) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 82.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000002 for 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d 7d.tif'
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting IG conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:47 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly: Kann Datei nicht komplett laden GearError:-2480
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:48 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileDirectly (RESIZE) Open Original File Error
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintGearObject()
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:49 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ConvertFileViaPrint:Kann Datei nicht komplett laden
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:50 - ERROR: FFCNV32: PrintGearObject-Error!
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:51 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=5 OLE_Error=0
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:51 - ERROR: FFCNV32: ExecOle() schlug fehl
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): closing printer
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): restoring driver mode
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:52 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxConvertError: File:C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00 357d7d.tif
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring letter page option
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring default letter head
(4204) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting done event
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): conversion finished
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:53 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:54 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion from C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d7 d.tif (TIF_ANY) to C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\00357d8 2.dcx (DCX_FAX) has finally failed.
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:55 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (TIF_ANY->DCX_FAX) duration : 16215ms Error ok:2 err:1
(1768) 12/03/14 13:54:55 - ERROR: ConvertDocument(): source file format DCX_FAX does not exist.
Was läuft hier falsch ?
Viele Grüße
Harald Benz