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EntryControl pop-up window does not pop up

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    EntryControl pop-up window does not pop up

    Hello all,

    I am having some issues with the EntryControl application. I have OfficeMaster Gate forwarding calls from my intercom to Skype for Business just fine, I have the EntryControl configured for that intercom as well and when I open the EntryControl window using the tray icon, I can see the video and I can open the door as well.

    But when I make a call from the intercom, the EntryControl window does not pop up and I have to open it via the tray icon manually, which is a bit of a hassle for me and my users.

    How does the OfficeMaster Gate informs the EntryControl client about the call? Do I have to allow some connection through the firewall? Is the window supposed to pop up at all? (I suppose it is, but just to be sure )

    By the way, I am using a Windows 7 virtual machine for testing Skype for Business and intercoms integration, could that be a reason why the window does not pop up?

    Thank you very much for your help.

    I have already tried the solution with the registry key that I found in this forum, but it did not work for me.


      If the window is visible, when you open it via Tray-Icon-Menu, then the problem is not with the window-position (for which the Registry-Key solution works) but with the call esp. the CallingPartyNumber.

      You should make sure the Door-Contact-Object in Active Directory has the same msrtcsip.... identity as the call. If that's not the case the incoming call is not interpreted by EntryControl as a call from a door but another contact. so it does not open the video window. You may also want to try, to set the AD-Field telephoneNumber of the Door-Contact-Object.

      you could post your Logfile of EntryControl if you need further analysis



        Thank you very much for your answer Ralf!

        There is the log from my entrycontrol client:

        What msRTCSIP entry is being matched? PrimaryUserAddress or Line? Is the identity matched when the invite form the intercom first reaches the OfficeMaster Gate or when it is forwarded to Skype for Business Mediation server?

        I tried changing the PrimaryUserAddress to the value which you can see in the log. In the SIP INVITE which goes from the intercom to OfficeMaster Gate, the From field has the same value, but the window still does not pop up.



          the issue seems to be something completely different. Take a look at line 12 of the provided logfile "lync not installed"

          I suspect you do not have Lync 2013 or Skype for Business 2013 installed, but Skype for Business 2016. Is that right?
          If so, please donwload the new version from:

          If, after updating, it still does not work, please provide me with a new logfile (including incoming call).

          We always wanted to release the new version to the public but we were always interupted during the final steps. You know how it goes.

          ciao Ralf


            Thank you for you answer Ralf. It works like a charm with the new version! I really have Skype for Business Server 2015 installed.

            FYI it looks like libeay32.dll is missing from the installation bundle, because I had to manually add it from openssl package to run EntryControl Configuration successfully.

            Vielen Dank for all your help again.

