1.) Wie konfiguriere ich das filegw auf eine Suse Linux Samba-Freigabe .
Zur Zeit auf Y:\ gemappt und kann da alles machen (Löschen, Schreiben, Lesen).
Aber das filegw bingt Fehler
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: [00002990] In LOC_LOCAL code path
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: DirWatch::ScanDir(): beginning scan of directory 'D:\'.
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: DirWatch::ScanDir(): ending scan of directory 'D:\' with 7 entries and 0 matches (*.txt) found.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: OnMsgReceive(): restarting mode 7/'Laserfax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'Y:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): using user defined format specifications
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): extension 'txt' as format 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' configured
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FAX'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='-.*'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='BFF'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='PRINT'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FILEGW'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: DirWatch::Start(): starting directory change notification for 'Y:\'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: DirWatch::OpenDir(): cannot access 'Y:\'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: DirWatch::Start(): directory 'Y:\' could not be opened.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - ERROR: IfHndLf::Start(): directory watcher could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - ERROR: RestartInterface(): interface handler for mode 7 could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: GetCfg(): setting mode to 7/'Laserfax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: OnMsgReceive(): restarting mode 0/'none'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory '\\weton2\fax' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): using user defined format specifications
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): extension 'txt' as format 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' configured
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FAX'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='-.*'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='BFF'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='PRINT'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FILEGW'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: DirWatch::Start(): starting directory change notification for '\\weton2\fax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: DirWatch::OpenDir(): cannot access '\\weton2\fax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: DirWatch::Start(): directory '\\weton2\fax' could not be opened.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - ERROR: IfHndLf::Start(): directory watcher could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - ERROR: RestartInterface(): interface handler for mode 7 could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: GetCfg(): setting mode to 7/'Laserfax'.
Auf lokalem Serverlaufwerk c: funktioniert es super. Warum funktioniert dise nicht, u.a. auch nicht als UNC-Pfax \\xxxx\Fax !?!?
2.) Die Warenwirtschaft von Neutrasoft generiert *.JOB und *.NOW Dateien, kann man das FileGW auf diese Endungen umstellen ?!?
Danke für die Hilfe.
1.) Wie konfiguriere ich das filegw auf eine Suse Linux Samba-Freigabe .
Zur Zeit auf Y:\ gemappt und kann da alles machen (Löschen, Schreiben, Lesen).
Aber das filegw bingt Fehler
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: [00002990] In LOC_LOCAL code path
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: DirWatch::ScanDir(): beginning scan of directory 'D:\'.
(10640) 09/08/24 17:13:54 - DEBUG: DirWatch::ScanDir(): ending scan of directory 'D:\' with 7 entries and 0 matches (*.txt) found.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: OnMsgReceive(): restarting mode 7/'Laserfax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'Y:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): using user defined format specifications
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): extension 'txt' as format 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' configured
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FAX'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='-.*'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='BFF'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='PRINT'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FILEGW'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: DirWatch::Start(): starting directory change notification for 'Y:\'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: DirWatch::OpenDir(): cannot access 'Y:\'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - WARNING: DirWatch::Start(): directory 'Y:\' could not be opened.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - ERROR: IfHndLf::Start(): directory watcher could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - ERROR: RestartInterface(): interface handler for mode 7 could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:18:27 - INFO: GetCfg(): setting mode to 7/'Laserfax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: OnMsgReceive(): restarting mode 0/'none'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory 'D:\' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): directory '\\weton2\fax' could not be created.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): using user defined format specifications
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: IfHndLf::SetCfg(): extension 'txt' as format 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' configured
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FAX'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='-.*'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='BFF'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='PRINT'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FILEGW'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='filegw0'
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: DirWatch::Start(): starting directory change notification for '\\weton2\fax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: DirWatch::OpenDir(): cannot access '\\weton2\fax'.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - WARNING: DirWatch::Start(): directory '\\weton2\fax' could not be opened.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - ERROR: IfHndLf::Start(): directory watcher could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - ERROR: RestartInterface(): interface handler for mode 7 could not be started.
(12168) 09/08/24 17:20:06 - INFO: GetCfg(): setting mode to 7/'Laserfax'.
Auf lokalem Serverlaufwerk c: funktioniert es super. Warum funktioniert dise nicht, u.a. auch nicht als UNC-Pfax \\xxxx\Fax !?!?
2.) Die Warenwirtschaft von Neutrasoft generiert *.JOB und *.NOW Dateien, kann man das FileGW auf diese Endungen umstellen ?!?
Danke für die Hilfe.
