
Keine Ankündigung bisher.

Helfried Laakmann

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    Hallo, da habe ich auch mal eine Frage dazu: bei O6.x mit 2x ISDN + 1x SIP bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

    Error: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter maximum reached, want=1, have=0

    Den SIP-Trunk verwende ich nur zum Faxversand, manchmal gehen Fax nicht raus, im Log finde ich bisher keine weiteren Fehler, der Trunk bleibt auch registriert.

    Liegt hier evtl. ein Lizenzproblem vor oder ist das Grundrauschen?

    Einen Kommentar schreiben:

  • Helfried Laakmann
    Hallo Ralf,

    hier dann mal einen größeren Log-Ausschnitt.

    (5868) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Incoming call request: 'udp:'<-udp:' 'sip:851065@'.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:13 - DEBUG: [libagent] OnKeepAlive(): sip0
    (4040) 19/10/09 14:53:18 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '851065' <-> '1065' '8d02404b2c857d6a4a527f4ac09405c1@' hungup by remote end.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - ERROR: fms_read_job(): job file 'snfs/C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/sip0/work/0000ced7.fmj' does not exist.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - INFO: WorkCall: Job '52951' will be submitted to controller by voice component 'voice0'
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq(): got Job '52961' from controller: '( LONG Status: 0 ; STRING StatusChain: "SendRec" "Split" "CheckSendNotCfg" "Voice" ; STRING Type: "Send" ; SHORT Priority: 500 ; STRUCT Receiver: ( STRING Type: "VOICE" ; STRING Address: "1765" ; STRING OAD: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; STRUCT Parameters: ( STRING OADExt: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; LONG ServerId: 0 ; STRING ServerName: "voice0" ; ); ); STRUCT Notify: ( STRING Component: "voice0" ; ); STRING SenderRoute: "voice0,,851065" ; STRING SenderName: "851065" ; STRUCT LogInfo: ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "voice0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625615 ; ); STRUCT Split: ( ULONG OriginId: 52961 ; BOOL SignFlag: 0 ; ); )'
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): raw address '1765' after automatic correction: '1765'.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): raw address '1765' after automatic correction: '1765'.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): automatic phone number correction not available for ''.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): automatic phone number correction not available for ''.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:38 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:47 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (5868) 19/10/09 14:53:51 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' hungup by remote end.
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 1.
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - DEBUG: WorkJob(52961): send Job '52961' to controller: '( LONG Status: 0 ; STRING StatusChain: "SendRec" "Split" "CheckSendNotCfg" "Voice" ; STRING Type: "Send" ; SHORT Priority: 500 ; STRUCT Receiver: ( STRING Type: "VOICE" ; STRING Address: "1765" ; STRING OAD: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; STRUCT Parameters: ( STRING OADExt: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; LONG ServerId: 0 ; STRING ServerName: "voice0" ; USHORT TotalPages: 0 ; USHORT TxPages: 0 ; USHORT PagesTransmittedFrom: 1 ; USHORT PagesTransmittedTo: 0 ; BOOL EcmUsed: 1 ; LONG BpsUsed: 6 ; LONG DpiUsed: 1 ; LONG T4ModeUsed: 3 ; STRING FromWhom: "851065" ; STRING UsedCsid: "+49 4641 9860" ; ); ULONG Time: 1570625635 ; LONG Status: 0 ; LONG ErrCode: 0 ; ULONG Duration: 0 ; ULONG ChargeUnits: 0 ; STRING ViaDevice: "" "g.711-rtp" "fipMedia 7104 d38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2" ; STRING TimeZoneInformation: "Europe/Berlin" ; STRING TimeFormat: "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm" ; STRING Country: "DE" ; ); STRUCT Notify: ( STRING Component: "voice0" ; ); STRING SenderRoute: "voice0,,851065" ; STRING SenderName: "851065" ; STRUCT LogInfo: ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "voice0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625615 ; ) ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "sip0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625635 ; ); STRUCT Split: ( ULONG OriginId: 52961 ; BOOL SignFlag: 0 ; ); STRUCT RecParList: ( STRUCT VOICE: ( STRING FromWhom: "851065" ; STRING Sender: "851065" ; ); ); )'
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitConfirm() job '52961' submit request has been accepted with '0' 'FecSuccess'.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:56 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:56 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 0.

    (5868) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Incoming call request: 'udp:'<-udp:' 'sip:851065@'.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:05 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:13 - DEBUG: [libagent] OnKeepAlive(): sip0
    (4040) 19/10/09 14:53:18 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '851065' <-> '1065' '8d02404b2c857d6a4a527f4ac09405c1@' hungup by remote end.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - ERROR: fms_read_job(): job file 'snfs/C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/sip0/work/0000ced7.fmj' does not exist.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - INFO: WorkCall: Job '52951' will be submitted to controller by voice component 'voice0'
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq(): got Job '52961' from controller: '( LONG Status: 0 ; STRING StatusChain: "SendRec" "Split" "CheckSendNotCfg" "Voice" ; STRING Type: "Send" ; SHORT Priority: 500 ; STRUCT Receiver: ( STRING Type: "VOICE" ; STRING Address: "1765" ; STRING OAD: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; STRUCT Parameters: ( STRING OADExt: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; LONG ServerId: 0 ; STRING ServerName: "voice0" ; ); ); STRUCT Notify: ( STRING Component: "voice0" ; ); STRING SenderRoute: "voice0,,851065" ; STRING SenderName: "851065" ; STRUCT LogInfo: ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "voice0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625615 ; ); STRUCT Split: ( ULONG OriginId: 52961 ; BOOL SignFlag: 0 ; ); )'
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): raw address '1765' after automatic correction: '1765'.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): raw address '1765' after automatic correction: '1765'.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): automatic phone number correction not available for ''.
    (3036) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - INFO: [phnumcor] MakePhoneNumExt(): automatic phone number correction not available for ''.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:35 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:38 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:47 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (5868) 19/10/09 14:53:51 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (844) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '"851065" <sip:851065@>' <-> '"1765" <sip:1765@;transport=udp>' 'd38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2' hungup by remote end.
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 1.
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - DEBUG: WorkJob(52961): send Job '52961' to controller: '( LONG Status: 0 ; STRING StatusChain: "SendRec" "Split" "CheckSendNotCfg" "Voice" ; STRING Type: "Send" ; SHORT Priority: 500 ; STRUCT Receiver: ( STRING Type: "VOICE" ; STRING Address: "1765" ; STRING OAD: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; STRUCT Parameters: ( STRING OADExt: "851065" ; STRING CallingParty: "851065" ; LONG ServerId: 0 ; STRING ServerName: "voice0" ; USHORT TotalPages: 0 ; USHORT TxPages: 0 ; USHORT PagesTransmittedFrom: 1 ; USHORT PagesTransmittedTo: 0 ; BOOL EcmUsed: 1 ; LONG BpsUsed: 6 ; LONG DpiUsed: 1 ; LONG T4ModeUsed: 3 ; STRING FromWhom: "851065" ; STRING UsedCsid: "+49 4641 9860" ; ); ULONG Time: 1570625635 ; LONG Status: 0 ; LONG ErrCode: 0 ; ULONG Duration: 0 ; ULONG ChargeUnits: 0 ; STRING ViaDevice: "" "g.711-rtp" "fipMedia 7104 d38bc08fcda34e74936d3bf66184c8a2" ; STRING TimeZoneInformation: "Europe/Berlin" ; STRING TimeFormat: "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm" ; STRING Country: "DE" ; ); STRUCT Notify: ( STRING Component: "voice0" ; ); STRING SenderRoute: "voice0,,851065" ; STRING SenderName: "851065" ; STRUCT LogInfo: ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "voice0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625615 ; ) ( ULONG LogID: 52961 ; STRING LogName: "sip0" ; ULONG Time: 1570625635 ; ); STRUCT Split: ( ULONG OriginId: 52961 ; BOOL SignFlag: 0 ; ); STRUCT RecParList: ( STRUCT VOICE: ( STRING FromWhom: "851065" ; STRING Sender: "851065" ; ); ); )'
    (4804) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
    (5496) 19/10/09 14:53:55 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitConfirm() job '52961' submit request has been accepted with '0' 'FecSuccess'.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:56 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:56 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 0.


    Einen Kommentar schreiben:

  • Ralf Jänike
    Hallo Helfried,
    mit derart kurzen Log-Ausschnitt lässt sich keine Ursachenanalyse durchführen sondern nur das Symptom benennen: Nachdem der Ruf beendet ist (durch Gegenstelle), wird versucht die Jobdatei zu lesen (enthält die Auftrags-/Übertragungsinformationen), die jedoch nicht existiert.

    ciao Ralf

    Einen Kommentar schreiben:

  • Helfried Laakmann
    hat ein Thema erstellt Helfried Laakmann.

    Helfried Laakmann


    wir haben von einem Ferrai V5 auf einen V6 umgestellt und die SIP Schnittstelle direkt zu einer Alcatel Enterprise eingerichtet.
    Es schein auch alles soweit zu funktionieren, nur im SIP Log taucht bei Fax und Voice Empfang folgende Fehlermeldung auf:

    (4716) 19/10/09 15:14:02 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '91968' <-> '+49431200850' '1ed5029009b4b8a62bde71f72f0523a2@' gets re-invited by remote end.
    (3952) 19/10/09 15:14:08 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '91968' <-> '+49431200850' '1ed5029009b4b8a62bde71f72f0523a2@' hungup by remote end.
    (6996) 19/10/09 15:14:09 - ERROR: fms_read_job(): job file 'snfs/C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/sip0/work/0000cf41.fmj' does not exist.
    (5460) 19/10/09 15:14:10 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5460) 19/10/09 15:14:10 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 1.
    (5496) 19/10/09 15:14:13 - DEBUG: [libagent] OnKeepAlive(): sip0


    (4040) 19/10/09 14:53:18 - INFO: SIPTransportRequestReceived(): Call '851065' <-> '1065' '8d02404b2c857d6a4a527f4ac09405c1@' hungup by remote end.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - ERROR: fms_read_job(): job file 'snfs/C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/sip0/work/0000ced7.fmj' does not exist.
    (3772) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - INFO: WorkCall: Job '52951' will be submitted to controller by voice component 'voice0'
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '101MaxLines' counter: 0.
    (5460) 19/10/09 14:53:19 - DEBUG: AllocAbsoluteLineLicense(): allocated license '55MaxLines' counter: 0.

    wo ist das Problem?
