ich verwende OfficeMaster für Exchange 2010 ( auf demselben Windows 2008 R2 Server wie den Exchanger 2010 selbst.
Ein entsprechende berechtigtes Konto habe ich entsprechend der Doku angelegt.
Das Forum und insbesondere den Beitrag QE2007032 habe ich bereits intensievst zur Problemfindung herangezogen. (Keine Unterdrückung des Kontos in der GAL, korrekte Eingabe von Username und PW, Berechtigungen doppelt und dreifach gecheckt etc.) Leider ohne Erfolg. Die msx2kgate Komponente startet nicht.
Ich bin mit meinem Latain am Ende und bitte dringend um Hilfe.
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
André Wiese
ich verwende OfficeMaster für Exchange 2010 ( auf demselben Windows 2008 R2 Server wie den Exchanger 2010 selbst.
Ein entsprechende berechtigtes Konto habe ich entsprechend der Doku angelegt.
Das Forum und insbesondere den Beitrag QE2007032 habe ich bereits intensievst zur Problemfindung herangezogen. (Keine Unterdrückung des Kontos in der GAL, korrekte Eingabe von Username und PW, Berechtigungen doppelt und dreifach gecheckt etc.) Leider ohne Erfolg. Die msx2kgate Komponente startet nicht.
(6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: CreateDefCfg(): Creating a default configuration unit. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path ']CNV_MOUNT_CENTRAL[/work/msx2kgate0/in' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path ']CNV_MOUNT_CENTRAL[/work/msx2kgate0/out' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/msx2kgate0/tmp' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/msx2kgate0/metacache' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/msx2kgate0/undeliverable' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: MakeDirs(): Path 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/msx2kgate0/error' creation. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: License Check: Licensed version '4.0'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: License Check: Maximum user count: 25. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: GetCfg(): Configuration will be retrieved. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: RegisterAgent: Set 10 threads for job processing. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='FAX' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TXT_WIN1250' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='SMS' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='TIF_MH' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='PRINT' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='msx2kgate0' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegFmtType', ppFilter[0]='ANY' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]fms_regmsg_addrecflt pAddrtype='SMTP' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[0]='.....FAX-.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[1]='.....SMS-.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[2]='.*@fax.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: [libagent]SetFilterList FilterName'RegAddrRange', ppFilter[3]='.*@sms.*' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - DEBUG: Start: Temporary directory cleaned. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Loading Active Directory Configuration... (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Attached to 'Connector for UMS (KANG)'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetGlobalAttribute: 'DIR' --> '\\KANG\FFACCESS\' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetPrimaryDomainName: PMD --> 'zoschke.com' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'MSX' --> 'KANG' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Exchange Server 2010 detected. Please restart if Exchange Server entry changes. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'COC' --> '+49' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Set obsolete/compatible country code: '+49' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'UIS' --> [EMPTY] (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Set UIS setting: '0' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'UTS' --> [EMPTY] (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Set Time Stamp setting: '0' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'CNC' --> '0' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Set canonical number correction: '0' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: DN --> 'CN=Connector for UMS (KANG),CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Erste Organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=starfleet,DC=local' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: Got address space 'fax.KANG'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: There is at least one configured SMTP Address Space for FAX (fax.KANG). (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - ERROR: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: DN --> 'CN=Connector for UMS (KANG),CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Erste Organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=starfleet,DC=local' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: There was no smtp address space found. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for SMS. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - ERROR: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: DN --> 'CN=Connector for UMS (KANG),CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Erste Organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=starfleet,DC=local' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetFirstSMTPAddressSpace: There was no smtp address space found. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for Voice. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'POM' --> '~E' (Base Node) (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Active Directory initialization succeeded. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsCheckForPublicFolder: At least one Public Folder Database was found. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: CreateMapiProfile: 'msx2kgate0'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Autodiscover: Discover for user 'CN=Ferrari OfficeMaster,CN=Users,DC=starfleet,DC=local'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: GetIPAddress: 'KANG' --> '' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Autodiscover: HomeDSA 'KANG' --> '' (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'EIP' --> [EMPTY] (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:34 - INFO: Autodiscover: Discover ''. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:35 - ERROR: CreateMapiProfile: Exchange Message Service cannot be configured. (Code: 0x80040115) (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:35 - ERROR: Error --> [0x80040115] (CDO) A network error occured. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:35 - INFO: DeleteMapiProfile: Remove profile 'msx2kgate0'. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:36 - INFO: DeleteMapiProfile: Profile 'msx2kgate0' removed. (6528) 10/01/21 00:38:36 - INFO: Start - Gateway cannot be initialized. Closed on Thu Jan 21 00:38:41 2010
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
André Wiese