bei uns verhält sich das Problem ein wenig anders, als wie hier beschrieben.
Unser Exchange hat SP1 Rollout 8 installiert und laut unseren Exchange Admins (in USA) wurde auch kein weiteres ServicePack versucht zu installieren. Wir selber in Deutschland haben keinen Admin Zugriff auf Exchange.
Die gleiche Fehlermeldung wie in dem genannten Thraed zu sehen ist
(736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: CreateMapiProfile: 'abc'. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: Autodiscover: Discover for user 'CN=svceudeb001,OU=Services,OU=Special Accounts,DC=biomet,DC=local'. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: GetIPAddress: 'SERVERNAME' --> 'IP-ADRESSE' (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: Autodiscover: HomeDSA 'SERVERNAME' --> 'IP-ADRESSE' (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: ADsGetConnectorAttribute: 'EIP' --> [EMPTY] (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: Autodiscover: Discover 'IP-ADRESSE/Officemaster-Postfach'. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - ERROR: CreateMapiProfile: Exchange Message Service cannot be configured. (Code: 0x80040115) (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - ERROR: Error --> [0x80040115] (CDO) A network error occured. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: DeleteMapiProfile: Remove profile 'abc'. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: DeleteMapiProfile: Profile 'abc' removed. (736) 09/09/16 11:34:12 - INFO: Start - Gateway cannot be initialized. Closed on Wed Sep 16 11:34:17 2009
Nachdem nun installiert ist, sieht der Fehler im Log ein wenig anders aus
(308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - DEBUG: Start: Temporary directory cleaned. (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - INFO: Loading Active Directory Configuration... (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - ERROR: ADsGetAttribute: Try to open 'CN=Connector for UMS (CONNECTORSERVERNAME-OFFICEMASTERSERVERNAME),CN=Connections,CN=Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR),CN=Routing Groups,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=****,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=****,DC=local'. (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - ERROR: ADsGetAttribute: The object cannot be opened. (Code: 0x80072030) (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - ERROR: Error --> [0x80072030] There is no such object on the server. (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - ERROR: The Exchange Server Gateway path cannot be accessed. (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - ERROR: Cannot start without Exchange Server Gateway access! (308) 09/09/16 14:37:22 - INFO: Start - Gateway cannot be initialized. Closed on Wed Sep 16 14:37:27 2009
Viele Grüße
Björn Falkenroth
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