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Connector for UMS - msx2gate0 - startet nicht

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    Connector for UMS - msx2gate0 - startet nicht


    ich habe seit dem 01.07. das Problem das der msx2gate0 nicht mehr läuft....zumindest ist dort der letzte Log-Eintrag.

    Wenn der Dienst in der Messeging Server Konfiguration gestartet wird passiert nichts.
    Es wird im OfficeMaster kein Logeintrag erzeugt (auch nicht mit dem debug Level), es gibt keinen Windows-Eventlogeintrag.

    Den OfficeMaster Dienst neu zu starten hat nicht geholfen.
    Ich habe die Komponente schon deinstalliert und neu installiert, leider auch ohne Erfolg.
    Einen Serverneustart werde ich heute Abend evtl. noch versuchen.

    Am 01.07. ist der alte Exchange 2003 vom Netzt genommen worden, mit dem hat das OM aber schon lange nicht mehr Kommuniziert. Die läuft seit dem Wechsel auf Exchange 2010 über den neuen Server, es wurde auch eine Komplette Neuinstallation der OfficeMaster Umgebung durchgeführt.

    Das wäre aber das Einzige Ereignis das ich mit dem Problem in Verbindung bringen könnte.
    Die aktuelle Umgebung ist ein OM4.1.1 mit einem Exchange 2010.

    Hoffe hier hat jemand noch Tipps für mich


    Ein Serverneustart hat nichts ergeben, ich hab dann noch
    das OM auf die Version 4.2.2 aktualisiert, leider auch keine Veränderung.



      was habt ihr mit dem alten Connector gemacht?
      Dienstkonto entsprechend E2KX angepasst oder neu?
      was zeigt die Komp.Übersicht - Autobahn und Unterordner FAX usw. ...




        der alte Connector auf dem Exchange wird im Exchange System Manager noch angezeigt....den krieg ich da so auch nicht weg.
        Das ist mit der Migration wohl rüber repliziert worden und hätte über den System Manager vom Exchange 2003 entfernt werden müssen, das wurde seinerzeit wohl nicht gemacht.
        Im OfficeMaster zeigen die eingetragenen Exchange Connector Adressen auch auf die richtigen Stellen auf dem neuen Exchange.
        Das Dienstkonto ist angepasst worden, die Übersicht der anderen Komponenten ist ok, alle laufen.




          Das Dienstkonto ist angepasst worden, die Übersicht der anderen Komponenten ist ok, alle laufen.
          ...das Dienstkonto ist ja nur für den Converter und Connector da ... da interessieren die anderen Komponenten nicht!

          was zeigt der Connector genau an? hat er zugriff auf FAX/SMS/VOICE?
          Rechte auf Log-Verzeichnis?
          CDO? Standard Mail Client kontrollieren?
          ich würde den Connectro nochmal deinstallieren - neues Dienstkonto entsprechend HB anlegen - Connector neu installieren

          muss ja ein lokales Problem sein, da der Connector beim Starten nicht funktioniert .. lt. deiner Aussage

          Die läuft seit dem Wechsel auf Exchange 2010 über den neuen Server, es wurde auch eine Komplette Neuinstallation der OfficeMaster Umgebung durchgeführt.

          ... neuer Server mit OfficeMaster oder ?


            Zitat von majoso Beitrag anzeigen
            ... neuer Server mit OfficeMaster oder ?
            ja genau, ist ein neuer Server (Hardware) für den Exchange 2010 gekommen und auf dem wurde das OM neu mit installiert.
            Da wurde auch das OM gewechselt, von 3 auf aber glaube ich schon ca. 2 Jahre her.

            Werde den Connector im OM nochmal deinstallieren und beim neu installieren auch ein neues Dienstkonto einrichten.


              so, hab den connector neu installiert. um auf nummer sicher zu gehen hab ich als dienstkonto den domänen-admin genommen.
              bis auf das andere dienstkonto hatte ich den connector schon ein paar mal neu angelegt.

              nach der Installation lief der connector sogar....für ca. 1,5 Minuten.
              jetzt hab ich wieder den stand wie zuvor, er lässt sich nicht mehr starten und prodoziert auch keiner fehler oder logs mehr.
              ich packe das Log mal in den nächsten Beitrag. vielleicht kann mir jemand was zu dem fehler am ende sagen, hoffe ja das der auf das eigentliche Problem deutet.


                log teil 1

                Opened on Fri Jul 04 10:58:56 2014
                Library version
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:56 - INFO: CreateDefCfg(): Creating a default configuration unit.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:56 - INFO: License Check: Licensed version '4.0'.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:56 - INFO: License Check: Maximum users: Fax: 35, SMS: 35, Voice: 35.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:56 - INFO: RegisterAgent: Set 10 threads for job processing.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Loading Active Directory Configuration...
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Attached to 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Exchange Server 2010 detected. Please restart if Exchange Server entry changes.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: There is at least one configured SMTP Address Space for FAX (fax.POLL-MS2).
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for SMS.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for Voice.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Special Recipient Fax Domain: fax.POLL-MS2
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Special Recipient SMS Domain: <no entry>
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Special Recipient Vox Domain: <no entry>
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Active Directory initialization succeeded.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: CreateMapiProfile: 'msx2kgate0'.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: Autodiscover: HomeDSA 'POLL-MS2' --> ''
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: OpenInterface2007: Mapi interface opened successfully.
                (12244) 14/07/04 10:58:57 - INFO: OpenInterface2007: Additional Interface successfully opened.
                (9404) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '9'.
                (9404) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134402 accepted.
                (10844) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '8'.
                (10844) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134405 accepted.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '5'.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '5'.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134414 accepted.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134411 accepted.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Component 'msx2kgate0' (Version main thread started.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Build: Mon Oct 8 14:11:55 2012
                (11164) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (8364) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11164) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134420 accepted.
                (10708) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11480) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Start - Log Mode: Log Warnings, Errors and Information
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134400 accepted.
                (8592) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (8364) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134423 accepted.
                (10708) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134417 accepted.
                (11480) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134426 accepted.
                (8592) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134408 accepted.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: GetOriginatorData: <>[]
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: GetReceiverData: GetQuickUserInfo finished.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Koop\, Andreas,OU=Industrie...' cached successfully.
                (10708) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: SendFaxJobToMessagingServer: HTML body detected as empty. Skipping workflow.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11996) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: SendFaxJobToMessagingServer: [0x00020e2c (134700)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: Job 134429 accepted.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - INFO: GetOriginatorData: <>[]
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:58 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: GetReceiverData: GetQuickUserInfo finished.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: Start: The foam server is connectable on port 18461.
                (8592) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Farwick\, Juergen,OU=Indust...' cached successfully.
                (9404) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Birgit Wester,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (8364) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (11480) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (11164) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Farwick\, Juergen,OU=Indust...' cached successfully.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Koop\, Andreas,OU=Industrie...' cached successfully.
                (10844) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Birgit Wester,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: SendFaxJobToMessagingServer: HTML body detected as empty. Skipping workflow.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11576) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: SendFaxJobToMessagingServer: [0x00020e31 (134705)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (1572) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (1572) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: Job 134431 accepted.
                (10708) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (10708) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e36 (134710)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (10704) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (10704) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: Job 134434 accepted.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: Start: The messaging server collaboration was enabled.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: Start: The voice engine is now waiting for a call ...
                (1572) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (10704) 14/07/04 10:58:59 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Birgit Wester,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11380) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e3d (134717)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: Job 134437 accepted.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                (9404) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (9404) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e3f (134719)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: Job 134440 accepted.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:01 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                (8592) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (8592) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e42 (134722)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11604) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11604) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: Job 134443 accepted.
                (11604) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11476) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e45 (134725)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (10844) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (10844) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e46 (134726)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '2'.
                (11792) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11792) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: Job 134446 accepted.
                (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: Status message for job 134710 received.
                (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e36] (134710) will be processed...
                (11792) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Ahrens\, Heiner,OU=Verkauf,...' cached successfully.
                (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                (10704) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (10704) 14/07/04 10:59:02 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e49 (134729)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11804) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (11804) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: Job 134500 accepted.
                (11804) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Monika Lange,OU=Hauptstrass...' cached successfully.
                (11164) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11164) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e4a (134730)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (2732) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (2732) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: Job 134503 accepted.
                (2732) 14/07/04 10:59:03 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Monika Lange,OU=Hauptstrass...' cached successfully.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11740) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e4e (134734)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: Status message for job 134717 received.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e3d] (134717) will be processed...
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: Metacache_GetUMCValue: Replicate dayly at 00:00h.
                (11604) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11604) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e51 (134737)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (11976) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '1'.
                (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: Job 134600 accepted.
                (11792) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                (11792) 14/07/04 10:59:04 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e52 (134738)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Postmaster not defined. Abort of Workflow.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e3d] (134717) cannot be processed.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.


                  (4708) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e55] (134741) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '2'.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: Status message for job 134719 received.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e3f] (134719) will be processed...
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: ADsGetUserAttributeCache: Object 'CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstras...' cached successfully.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (5912) 14/07/04 10:59:05 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e5a (134746)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (1572) 14/07/04 10:59:06 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (1572) 14/07/04 10:59:06 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e5e (134750)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (2504) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e5f (134751)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '4'.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: Status message for job 134722 received.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e42] (134722) will be processed...
                  (11804) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11804) 14/07/04 10:59:07 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e64 (134756)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (2732) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (2732) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e66 (134758)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134417) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e36] (134710) cannot be processed.
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                  (11796) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e69] (134761) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: Status message for job 134725 received.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e45] (134725) will be processed...
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:08 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                  (8364) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (8364) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e6d (134765)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Postmaster not defined. Abort of Workflow.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e45] (134725) cannot be processed.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                  (11960) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e70] (134768) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '7'.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: Status message for job 134726 received.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e46] (134726) will be processed...
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11480) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 0.
                  (11480) 14/07/04 10:59:09 - INFO: PreProcessIncomingFax: [0x00020e74 (134772)] The created foam job was successfully submitted to CTRL.
                  (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:11 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '7'.
                  (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:11 - INFO: Status message for job 134729 received.
                  (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:11 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e49] (134729) will be processed...
                  (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:11 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:12 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                  (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:12 - INFO: Status message for job 134730 received.
                  (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:12 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e4a] (134730) will be processed...
                  (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:12 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '5'.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: Status message for job 134734 received.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e4e] (134734) will be processed...
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Postmaster not defined. Abort of Workflow.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e4e] (134734) cannot be processed.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                  (11620) 14/07/04 10:59:13 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e7d] (134781) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:14 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '5'.
                  (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:14 - INFO: Status message for job 134737 received.
                  (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:14 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e51] (134737) will be processed...
                  (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:14 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134405) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e46] (134726) cannot be processed.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                  (11980) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e83] (134787) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134402) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e3f] (134719) cannot be processed.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:15 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                  (11896) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e87] (134791) will be #1 time requeued.
                  (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                  (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - INFO: Status message for job 134738 received.
                  (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e52] (134738) will be processed...
                  (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:16 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134408) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                  (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e42] (134722) cannot be processed.


                    Dienstkonto - DomBenutzer+Public Folder MGM+lokaler Admin auf OM+ sichtbares PF => mehr nicht => ein DOMAdmin ist absolut kontraproduktiv


                      (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '5'.
                      (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e8f] (134799) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - INFO: Status message for job 134746 received.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e5a] (134746) will be processed...
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Postmaster not defined. Abort of Workflow.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e5a] (134746) cannot be processed.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (12136) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e93] (134803) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: Status message for job 134750 received.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e5e] (134750) will be processed...
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:18 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134434) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e49] (134729) cannot be processed.
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (11852) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020e9d] (134813) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134446) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e52] (134738) cannot be processed.
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: Status message for job 134751 received.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e5f] (134751) will be processed...
                      (5860) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ea0] (134816) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: Status message for job 134756 received.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e64] (134756) will be processed...
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' could not be found in License Group.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: Trying alternative backlink attribute of user object.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: IsMemberOfLicenseGroup: The user 'LDAP://CN=Maria Schmees,OU=Hauptstrasse,DC=poll,DC=local' is not member of the License Group.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: Check License (AD)
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: The receiver for '' was found, but is not allowed to receive due to license group.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - WARNING: ResolveReceiver: The document will be redirected to the postmaster.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: ResolveReceiver: !!!There is no postmaster defined!!!.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Postmaster is not set, please specify a postmaster!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: This error can cause workflow interrupts!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: GetPostmaster: Go to Exchange System Manager and specify a Postmaster for 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'!
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Postmaster not defined. Abort of Workflow.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e5f] (134751) cannot be processed.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (9208) 14/07/04 10:59:21 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ea5] (134821) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - INFO: Status message for job 134758 received.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e66] (134758) will be processed...
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134420) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e4a] (134730) cannot be processed.
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (2528) 14/07/04 10:59:22 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020eab] (134827) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:23 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:23 - INFO: Status message for job 134765 received.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:23 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e6d] (134765) will be processed...
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:23 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134431) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e5e] (134750) cannot be processed.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (10244) 14/07/04 10:59:24 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020eb1] (134833) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - INFO: OnJobSubmitReq(): Set thread credit '6'.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - INFO: Status message for job 134772 received.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - INFO: Incoming Status: Job status [0x00020e74] (134772) will be processed...
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - ERROR: InitializeMessageInfo: Required Format 'TIF_G4' not found. Try alternative Format 'TIF_MH/TIF_G3'.
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134443) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e51] (134737) cannot be processed.
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (1740) 14/07/04 10:59:25 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020eb6] (134838) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134500) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e64] (134756) cannot be processed.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (8688) 14/07/04 10:59:27 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ebc] (134844) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134423) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e6d] (134765) cannot be processed.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (11408) 14/07/04 10:59:29 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ec0] (134848) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134426) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e74] (134772) cannot be processed.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (11168) 14/07/04 10:59:30 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ec4] (134852) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134503) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - ERROR: ProcessIncomingFax: Exchange Server post processing failed.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - ERROR: Incoming Status: Fax message [0x00020e66] (134758) cannot be processed.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 3.
                      (11412) 14/07/04 10:59:32 - WARNING: RequeueJob: The job [0x00020ec8] (134856) will be #1 time requeued.
                      (12244) 14/07/04 11:00:33 - ERROR: GetCfg(): Configuration parameter not found: 'FoamSelectStruct(): Element #0 with name 'AdsPath' and type 'STRING' could not be found.
                      Closed on Fri Jul 04 11:00:42 2014


                        die Fehler zur Lizensierung bezüglich des Benutzers "Maria Schmees" können ignoriert werden, die war noch nicht in der Lizenzgruppe, hab ich gerade nachgeholt.
                        Auch der nicht gesetzte Standarduser kann, denke ich, ignoriert werden. Der Connector war gerade installiert, da war ich noch nicht im Exchange System Manager gewesen um die Einstellungen zu machen, die sind jetzt aber gesetzt.
                        Ich gehe mal davon aus das mit "Postmaster" der Standardempfänger für OM gemeint ist.


                          (11308) 14/07/04 10:59:17 - ERROR: SendJobToMSX: (134408) 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure

                          Dienstkonto Problem!


                            ok, habs nochmal installiert, jetzt mit einem seperaten Account.
                            Leider keine Veränderung.



                              so ich hab das ganze nach dem WE nochmal in Ruhe angeschaut. Habe jetzt das Gateway nochmal entfernt und nach Handbuch
                              neu eingerichtet, auch nochmal ein neues Dienstkonto eingerichtet.

                              Jetzt läuft der Connector kurz und stoppt dann wieder...dafür jetzt mit log
                              Opened on Tue Jul 08 10:07:44 2014
                              Library version
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:44 - INFO: CreateDefCfg(): Creating a default configuration unit.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:44 - INFO: License Check: Licensed version '4.0'.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:44 - INFO: License Check: Maximum users: Fax: 35, SMS: 35, Voice: 35.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:44 - INFO: RegisterAgent: Set 10 threads for job processing.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Loading Active Directory Configuration...
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Attached to 'Connector for UMS (POLL-MS2)'.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Exchange Server 2010 detected. Please restart if Exchange Server entry changes.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: There is at least one configured SMTP Address Space for FAX (fax.POLL-MS2).
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for SMS.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: The Connector has no SMTP Address Space for Voice.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Special Recipient Fax Domain: fax.POLL-MS2
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Special Recipient SMS Domain: <no entry>
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Special Recipient Vox Domain: <no entry>
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Active Directory initialization succeeded.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: CreateMapiProfile: 'msx2kgate0'.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:45 - INFO: Autodiscover: HomeDSA 'POLL-MS2' --> ''
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:46 - ERROR: OpenInterface2007: Default message store could not be opened. (Code: 0x8004011d)
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:46 - ERROR: Error --> [0x8004011d] (CDO) The provider failed to connect.
                              (9384) 14/07/08 10:07:47 - INFO: Start - Gateway cannot be initialized.
                              Closed on Tue Jul 08 10:07:53 2014

                              Kann mir jemand was zu den beiden Fehlern sagen?

