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Conv OfficeMaster 4 auf Exchange 2010.

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    Conv OfficeMaster 4 auf Exchange 2010.

    Hallo und einen schönen Tag erstmal

    Wir haben OM 4 installiert mit einem OMG. Soweit so gut.

    Wenn wir ein Mail an eine Fax-Nummer senden wollen wird es angenommen und zum Conv geleitet. Da steht es dann und das wars.

    So sieht das Log vom Converter aus.

    Ich habe schon im Forum gesucht aber nichts brauchbares gefunden.

    Was kann ich tun?

    IT Tim

    Nun bin ich etwas weiter nachdem ich den Druckertreiber geändert habe.

    Allerdings bekomm ich das versendete FAX ins Outlook zurück mit einem Konvertierungsfehler..
    Angehängte Dateien
    Zuletzt geändert von IT-Tim; 19.04.2012, 08:22.

    irgendwie gibt es Probleme mit dem Ändern der Anhänge.

    Hier der aktuelle Stand

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: 19.04.png
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 9,3 KB
ID: 9973


      Ich kann machen was ich will. Berechtigungen geprüft. Office ist installiert und funktioniert auch einwandfrei.

      Nur der Converter muckt rum.

      Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: fehler.png
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 14,4 KB
ID: 9974

      Drucker neu installiert. OM neu installiert. Keine Besserung.

      Bin momentan ratlos
      Zuletzt geändert von IT-Tim; 19.04.2012, 13:29.


        Ist in den Eigenschaften der Konverter-Komponente unter Anmeldung ein Domänenaccount angegeben und das Starten als Dienst aktiviert?

        Ansonsten Komponente stoppen und erstmal aus einer CMD-Shell (mit Adminrechten) die
        c:\program files <x86>\ffums\fmsrv\bin\fconv.exe als Programm laufen lassen und damit die Konvertierung testen.
        Holger Schröder
        Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Techn. Informatik / MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
        (Messaging Server Basis, Drucker, Zentralkonvertierung, SAP, SMTP, GSMSMS, OMCUMS u.a.)


          Ja ein Domänenaccount ist angeben und das Starten als Dienst aktiviert.

          Hier das Ergebnis aus der Shell:

          D:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\fmsrv\bin>fconv.exe
          Starting fconv.exe...
          start OfficeMaster Converter as Console App.
          (2484) 12/04/23 09:04:55 - DEBUG: SnmpClient(): started.
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:55 - INFO: main(): starting version compiled at Dec 8 2011 on 16:29:48 jenkins-MessagingServer4-1275 running as program or component
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:55 - DEBUG: MakeCnvDirs():
          basedir= 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv'
          stationary(lh/cv) = 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/data/stationery'
          work = 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): splwow64.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): WINWORD.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): EXCEL.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): POWERPNT.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): AcroRd32.exe
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): GSWIN32C.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): QVP32.EXE
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{19E4F719-7A4E-11D4-A600-00A0CC6022F6}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{3BDB35F2-A5EF-4FA0-8725-BE8803DD745A}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{39E14C8C-0F87-4486-9B3A-30F262B85755}' is 3 (INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL - The component is installed locally.).
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: InitJetPcl(): library 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS\Jfax3wnt.dll' loaded.
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: Font index file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS/if/if.fnt' can be opened.
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{ABBDDC08-40D5-4FF8-BD30-8A6F5E406789}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: InitFineReader(): fine reader engine DLL '' cannot be loaded.
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: Microsoft Office Word='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\\winword.exe'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: Microsoft Office Excel='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\\excel.exe'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: Microsoft Office PowerPoint='(null)'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: OpenOffice swriter=''
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: OpenOffice scalc=''
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: OpenOffice simpress=''
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: OpenOffice sdraw=''
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: StartPipeServer():
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: KillProc(fftray.exe,1)
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Started CentralConvertThread ID: 340, version
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OleInitialize OK
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OfficeDetect 1
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OfficeDetect 2
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OfficeDetect 3
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DetectOfficeVersion 1
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DetectOfficeVersion hardcoded
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OfficeDetect 4
          (340) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - INFO: FFCNV32: setting version information for 'MSOffice' to 0x10008
          (2484) 12/04/23 09:04:56 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: StartPipeServer():Pipe:\\.\pipe\FFPrintToUser_svc-fax not present try to start PipeServer
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: StartPipeServer(): start "D:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: StartPipeServer(): CreateProcess "D:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON OK
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: shutdownmode:inaktiv
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - DEBUG: MakeCnvListMsg start
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - DEBUG: converter list contains 135 converter
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 0 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 1 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PCX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 2 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PCX_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 3 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PCX_SMALL'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 4 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 5 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PNG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 6 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'PNG_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 7 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'SFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 8 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 9 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'TIF_G4_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 10 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 11 enable: 1 from 'BFF' to 'TIF_MH_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 12 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'BFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 13 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PCX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 14 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PCX_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 15 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PCX_SMALL'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 16 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 17 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PNG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 18 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PNG_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 19 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'SFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 20 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 21 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_G4_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 22 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 23 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_MH_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 24 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'BFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 25 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 26 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PCX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 27 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PCX_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 28 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PCX_SMALL'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 29 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 30 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PNG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 31 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'PNG_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 32 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 33 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'TIF_G4_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 34 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 35 enable: 1 from 'FFF' to 'TIF_MH_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 36 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'BFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 37 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 38 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PCX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 39 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PCX_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 40 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PCX_SMALL'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 41 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 42 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PNG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 43 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'PNG_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 44 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'TIF_G4'
          (2484) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 45 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'TIF_G4_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 46 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 47 enable: 1 from 'SFF' to 'TIF_MH_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 48 enable: 1 from 'TXT' to 'BFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 49 enable: 1 from 'TXT' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 50 enable: 1 from 'TXT' to 'SFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 51 enable: 1 from 'TXT' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 52 enable: 1 from 'TXT' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 53 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 54 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 55 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'PNG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 56 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'PNG_LONG'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 57 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'SFF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 58 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 59 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'TIF_G4_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 60 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 61 enable: 1 from 'PCX' to 'TIF_MH_SP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:58 - INFO: converter 62 enable: 1 from 'ANY' to 'ZIP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 63 enable: 1 from 'ANY' to 'GZ'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 64 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 65 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 66 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 67 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 68 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 69 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 70 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 71 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 72 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 73 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 74 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 75 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 76 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 77 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 78 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 79 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 80 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 81 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 82 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 83 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 84 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437_EMB' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 85 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 86 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2_EMB' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 87 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250_EMB' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 88 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8_EMB' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 89 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 90 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 91 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 92 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 93 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 94 enable: 1 from 'TXT_DOS437_PH' to 'TXT_DOS437'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 95 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN1_PH' to 'TXT_LATIN1'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 96 enable: 1 from 'TXT_LATIN2_PH' to 'TXT_LATIN2'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 97 enable: 1 from 'TXT_WIN1250_PH' to 'TXT_WIN1250'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 98 enable: 1 from 'TXT_UTF8_PH' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 99 enable: 1 from 'HTML_PH' to 'HTML'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 100 enable: 1 from 'RTF_PH' to 'RTF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 101 enable: 1 from 'HTML' to 'TXT_UTF8'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 102 enable: 1 from 'BMP' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 103 enable: 1 from 'DCX_ANY' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 104 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'BMP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 105 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'PDF'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 106 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_G3'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 107 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_G32D'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 108 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 109 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 110 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_PCKD'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 111 enable: 1 from 'DCX_FAX' to 'TIF_UNCMP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 112 enable: 1 from 'DOC' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 113 enable: 1 from 'DOCX' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 114 enable: 1 from 'MHT' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 115 enable: 1 from 'HTML' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 116 enable: 1 from 'JPG' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 117 enable: 1 from 'NSF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 118 enable: 1 from 'PDF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 119 enable: 1 from 'PPT' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 120 enable: 1 from 'PPTX' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 121 enable: 1 from 'RTF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 122 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_G3'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 123 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_G32D'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 124 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_G4'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 125 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_MH'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 126 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_PCKD'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 127 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'TIF_UNCMP'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 128 enable: 1 from 'TIF_ANY' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 129 enable: 1 from 'XLS' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 130 enable: 1 from 'XLSX' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 131 enable: 1 from 'GIF' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 132 enable: 1 from 'UNKNOWN' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 133 enable: 1 from 'PCL' to 'DCX_FAX'
          (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - INFO: converter 134 enable: 1 from 'PCL_EMB' to 'DCX_FAX'
          Zuletzt geändert von IT-Tim; 23.04.2012, 09:30.


            Hallo IT-Tim,

            da fehlt noch ein Konvertierversuch.
            Holger Schröder
            Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Techn. Informatik / MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
            (Messaging Server Basis, Drucker, Zentralkonvertierung, SAP, SMTP, GSMSMS, OMCUMS u.a.)


              (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - DEBUG: MakeCnvListMsg end
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - DEBUG: [libagent] fms_register_agent: version=41125574,''.
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:04:59 - DEBUG: conv FmsCtrlCompStatReady.
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:05:00 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:05:02 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on 12/04/23 09:05:16 - INFO: Job 319 accepted.
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:16 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq() vor ConvertJob
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:16 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00000140.RTF' (RTF_PH) to 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00000142.rtf' (RTF).
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (RTF_PH->RTF) duration : 23ms OK ok:1 err:0
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00000142.rtf' (RTF) to 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/00000143.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000001 for 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf'
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=1
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintRTFObject()
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WinRTFConv.DLL loaded, GetProcAddressof ConvertViaPrintEx
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Use WinRTFConv.DLL for INTERNAL_RTF and INTERNAL_TXT conversion
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintRTFObject-Use WinRtfDLL
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - INFO: FFCNV32: CnvConvertViaPrint: Printing 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' to 'ferrariFAX 64'.
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - INFO: FFCNV32: PrintRtf: Printed 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' with 1 page(s).
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=0 OLE_Error=0
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() trials=0
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=0
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): printing first of 1 jobs
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): starting printer
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StartFaxPrinter TmpFile=C:\Users\svc-fax\AppData\Local\Temp\3\DCX000c9.TMP
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): stopping printer
              (340) 12/04/23 09:05:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter begin
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:05:18 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): cleaning up after conversion time out
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - ERROR: FFCNV32: Timeout during conversion from D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 2.rtf to D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 3.dcx.
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - ERROR: FFCNV32: stopping ConvertThread, starting again
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Start
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Stop
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:NewDoc
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:EndDoc
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:end
              (340) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterStart
              (340) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterEndDoc
              (340) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterStop
              (340) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter end
              (340) 12/04/23 09:06:17 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): wait for printer change notification
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: vor TerminateThread
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread thread succesfully terminated
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread Letterhead options
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread ResetFaxPrinter
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Start
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Stop
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:NewDoc
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:EndDoc
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:end
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread CloseOLEApplications
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateMSOfficeComponents
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): WINWORD.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): EXCEL.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): POWERPNT.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateAdobeComponent
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): splwow64.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): splwow64.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): AcroRd32.exe
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateGSComponent
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): GSWIN32C.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateQVPComponent
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): QVP32.EXE
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread StartupQVP
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread OleUninitialize
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread CloseAllPrinterHandles
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread Cleanup Printer Queue/Restart Spooler
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs DeleteJob
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:18 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:20 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:21 - INFO: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:21 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:21 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs DeleteJob
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:21 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:21 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler
              (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:22 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
              (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:24 - INFO: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready


                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:24 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:24 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end (no jobs found)
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread start ConvertThread
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion has failed -->retry.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - INFO: ConvertFile(): 2.Trial converting 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' (RTF) to 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 43.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mutex.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Started CentralConvertThread ID: 1836, version
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OleInitialize OK
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting for start event
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000001 for 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf'
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter page option
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default letter head
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter page option
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default letter head
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conversion
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle()
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintRTFObject()
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WinRTFConv.DLL loaded, GetProcAddressof ConvertViaPrintEx
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Use WinRTFConv.DLL for INTERNAL_RTF and INTERNAL_TXT conversion
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintRTFObject-Use WinRtfDLL
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - INFO: FFCNV32: CnvConvertViaPrint: Printing 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' to 'ferrariFAX 64'.
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - INFO: FFCNV32: PrintRtf: Device context for 'ferrariFAX 64' cannot be created.(Error 0x00000000)
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=0 OLE_Error=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() trials=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=0
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:26 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:27 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:28 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=2
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:28 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=3
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:30 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=4
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:30 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:31 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=5
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:32 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=6
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:32 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=7
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=8
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintRTFObject()
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WinRTFConv.DLL loaded, GetProcAddressof ConvertViaPrintEx
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Use WinRTFConv.DLL for INTERNAL_RTF and INTERNAL_TXT conversion
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintRTFObject-Use WinRtfDLL
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - INFO: FFCNV32: CnvConvertViaPrint: Printing 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' to 'ferrariFAX 64'.
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - INFO: FFCNV32: PrintRtf: Device context for 'ferrariFAX 64' cannot be created.(Error 0x00000000)
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=0 OLE_Error=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() trials=1
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:34 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:35 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:36 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=1
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:36 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:37 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=2
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:38 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=3
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:38 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:39 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=4
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:40 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=5
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:40 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:41 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=6
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:42 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=7
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:42 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=8
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=1
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:43 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintRTFObject()
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WinRTFConv.DLL loaded, GetProcAddressof ConvertViaPrintEx
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Use WinRTFConv.DLL for INTERNAL_RTF and INTERNAL_TXT conversion
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintRTFObject-Use WinRtfDLL
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - INFO: FFCNV32: CnvConvertViaPrint: Printing 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' to 'ferrariFAX 64'.
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - INFO: FFCNV32: PrintRtf: Printed 'D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\000001 42.rtf' with 1 page(s).
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=0 OLE_Error=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() trials=2
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobCount() nWaits=0
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): printing first of 1 jobs
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): starting printer
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StartFaxPrinter TmpFile=C:\Users\svc-fax\AppData\Local\Temp\3\DCX000ca.TMP
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): stopping printer
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter begin
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:06:44 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): cleaning up after conversion time out
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - ERROR: FFCNV32: Timeout during conversion from D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 2.rtf to D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 3.dcx.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - ERROR: FFCNV32: stopping ConvertThread, starting again
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Start
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Stop
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:NewDoc
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:EndDoc
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:end
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterStart
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterEndDoc
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterStop
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter end
                (1836) 12/04/23 09:07:25 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): wait for printer change notification
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: vor TerminateThread
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread thread succesfully terminated
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread Letterhead options
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread ResetFaxPrinter
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Start
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:Stop
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:NewDoc
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:PulseEvent:EndDoc
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ResetFaxPrinter:end
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread CloseOLEApplications
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateMSOfficeComponents
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): WINWORD.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): EXCEL.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): POWERPNT.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateAdobeComponent
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): splwow64.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): splwow64.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): AcroRd32.exe
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateGSComponent
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): GSWIN32C.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread TerminateQVPComponent
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): QVP32.EXE
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread StartupQVP
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread OleUninitialize
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread CloseAllPrinterHandles
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread reinit for ConvertThread Cleanup Printer Queue/Restart Spooler
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs DeleteJob
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:27 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:29 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:29 - INFO: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:30 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs DeleteJob
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:30 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:30 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:31 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - INFO: FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs start
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: DeletePrinterJobs end (no jobs found)
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread start ConvertThread
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex released
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - ERROR: FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - ERROR: ConvertFile(): conversion from D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 2.rtf (RTF) to D:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv\work\conv0\work\0000014 3.dcx (DCX_FAX) has finally fail
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (RTF->DCX_FAX) duration : 136637ms Error ok:0 err:1
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - ERROR: ConvertDocument(): source file format DCX_FAX does not exist.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - ERROR: ConvertDocument(): source file format DCX_FAX does not exist.
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: StartPipeServer():
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: KillProc(fftray.exe,1)
                (5124) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: Started CentralConvertThread ID: 5124, version
                (5124) 12/04/23 09:07:33 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: OleInitialize OK
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - INFO: StartPipeServer():Pipe:\\.\pipe\FFPrintToUser_svc-fax not present try to start PipeServer
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - INFO: StartPipeServer(): start "D:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - INFO: StartPipeServer(): CreateProcess "D:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON OK
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq() nach ConvertJob
                (1080) 12/04/23 09:07:35 - INFO: Job 319 submitted.
                (2484) 12/04/23 09:07:37 - DEBUG: SnmpConnect(): Failed to connect to SNMP service on


                  Läuft also auch nicht als Programm.
                  Überprüfen sie mal folgende Dinge.
                  1. ist er mit dem Anschluss FERFAX: verbundnen?
                  2. ist der Anschluss FERFAX:vom Typ Officemaster
                  3. Sind dort dei Berechtigungen für den USer svc-fax gesetzt (Drucken,Drucker verwalten, Dokumente verwalten)

                  HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ferrari\FaxClient\WorkPa th (bitte Typ auf REG-SZ setzen nicht Reg_Expand_SZ)
                  und auf win festes Verzeichnis zeigen lassen (z.B: c:\windows\temp)
                  selbiges unter
                  HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ferrari\GlobalData\WorkP ath

                  Dann die Systemumgebungsvariable TEMP auch auf diese Verzeichnis setzen und den Druckerspooler neustarten (ferraiFAX 64) Warteschlange alle Jobs löschen (Druckerspooler 2 mal neustarten).

                  Dann die CMD- Shell neu öffnen und noch mal fconv dort starten und erneut eine Konvertierung versuchen.
                  Holger Schröder
                  Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Techn. Informatik / MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
                  (Messaging Server Basis, Drucker, Zentralkonvertierung, SAP, SMTP, GSMSMS, OMCUMS u.a.)


                    Hallo Herr Schröder,

                    vielen Dank für die Hilfe.

                    Es wird jetzt anscheinend ohne Fehler konvertiert.
                    Ich teste das mal intensiv und gebe weitere Rückmeldung



                      Hallo Herr Schröder,

                      das gleiche Problem habe ich auch.

                      Wenn ich fconv.exe von Hand laufen lasse, dann sehe ich den Druckerdialog, der aber nicht mittels RETURN bestätigt wird. Drücke ich von Hand RETURN, läuft alles durch. Nutze ich einen anderen HTML Konvertierer als Word funktioniert es ebenfalls.

                      Was kann ich tun?

                      - Office Master
                      - Microsoft Office 2010


                        Stellen Sie Html auf internen Konverter um
                        Holger Schröder
                        Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Techn. Informatik / MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
                        (Messaging Server Basis, Drucker, Zentralkonvertierung, SAP, SMTP, GSMSMS, OMCUMS u.a.)


                          Leider ist die Qualität dann nicht mehr zu gebrauchen. :-( Die Zeichen sind dann komplett verzogen. Allerdings nur, wenn ich es als Dienst laufen lasse, lasse ich es von Hand laufen, dann ist es perfekt. Beides mal mit dem selben User.

                          Zuletzt geändert von Ulrich; 24.02.2013, 21:28.


                            In der E-Mail verwende ich Courier. Mit fconv bleibt es auch bei Courier. Als Dienst wird nicht in Courier gewandelt, sondern in einen andren Font. In der Log Datei konnte ich keinen Unterschied finden. Beides mal wird mit WinHTMLConv gewandelt und beides mal ist es der selbe User (fconv via runas).

                            Verstehe ich nicht. Haben Sie noch eine Idee?


                              Ich denke da müssen wir wohl doch über die Hotline gehen.
                              Schildern sie der Hotline bitte Ihren Fall, wir brauchen dann die vor dem fconv abgefangen Dateien (fconv anhalten) und die Dateien aus work\ctrl\wait sichern.
                              Holger Schröder
                              Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Techn. Informatik / MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
                              (Messaging Server Basis, Drucker, Zentralkonvertierung, SAP, SMTP, GSMSMS, OMCUMS u.a.)

