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Timeout Konvertierung DOC -> DCX_FAX

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    Timeout Konvertierung DOC -> DCX_FAX


    ich habe aktuell ein Problem bei der Konvertierung von einer Word zum Fax.

    Im Log steht zum einen ein "timeout during conversion" als auch "source file format DCX_FAX does not exist"

    Office ist auf dem System aktiviert und auch nutzbar.

    Wo liegt hier der Fehler?

    Vielen Dank

    Anbei ein Auszug aus der Log.
    Closed on Tue Jan 14 15:32:16 2020
    Opened on Tue Jan 14 15:32:25 2020
    Library version
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:25 - INFO:    main(): starting version compiled at Jan 29 2017 on 21:22:38 jenkins-git-MessagingServer6-1123 running as program or component
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:25 - INFO:    SetOleUserSpecific(): add conv from to GIF_TIF
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:25 - INFO:    SetOleUserSpecific(): add conv from to JPG_TIF
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    SetOleUserSpecific(): add conv from to TIF_TIF
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{19E4F719-7A4E-11D4-A600-00A0CC6022F6}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    FFCNV32: setting version information for 'MSOffice' to 0x10008
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{3BDB35F2-A5EF-4FA0-8725-BE8803DD745A}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{39E14C8C-0F87-4486-9B3A-30F262B85755}' is 3 (INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL - The component is installed locally.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    InitJetPcl(): library 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS\Jfax3wnt.dll' loaded.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Font index file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS/if/if.fnt' can be opened.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{ABBDDC08-40D5-4FF8-BD30-8A6F5E406789}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    InitFineReader(): fine reader engine DLL '' cannot be loaded.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office Word='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\winword.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office Excel='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\excel.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office PowerPoint='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\powerpnt.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice swriter=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice scalc=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice simpress=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice sdraw=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{19E4F719-7A4E-11D4-A600-00A0CC6022F6}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{3BDB35F2-A5EF-4FA0-8725-BE8803DD745A}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{39E14C8C-0F87-4486-9B3A-30F262B85755}' is 3 (INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL - The component is installed locally.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    InitJetPcl(): library 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS\Jfax3wnt.dll' loaded.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Font index file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\FFUMS/if/if.fnt' can be opened.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    GetComponentPathMwi(): install state for component '{ABBDDC08-40D5-4FF8-BD30-8A6F5E406789}' is -1 (INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN - The product code or component ID is unknown.).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    InitFineReader(): fine reader engine DLL '' cannot be loaded.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office Word='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\winword.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office Excel='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\excel.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    Microsoft Office PowerPoint='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\\powerpnt.exe'
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice swriter=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice scalc=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice simpress=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:26 - INFO:    OpenOffice sdraw=''
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:28 - INFO:    StartPipeServer():Pipe:\\.\pipe\FFPrintToUser_SYSTEM not present try to start PipeServer
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:28 - INFO:    StartPipeServer(): start "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:28 - INFO:    StartPipeServer(): CreateProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON OK
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:28 - INFO:    shutdownmode:inaktiv
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    Job 144370 accepted.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 1.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f3.htm' (HTML) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f5.txt' (TXT_UTF8).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    ConvertDocument() (HTML->TXT_UTF8) duration : 8ms OK ok:1 err:0
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f5.txt' (TXT_UTF8) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f6.txt' (TXT_LATIN1).
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    ConvertDocument() (TXT_UTF8->TXT_LATIN1) duration : 5ms OK ok:1 err:0
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    Job 144370 submitted.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    Job 144370 accepted.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 2.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f4.docx' (DOC) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f7.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000c9.docx
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:43 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=1 OLE_Error=0
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:52 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:52 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:52 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000ca.docx
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:32:52 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=2 OLE_Error=0
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:33:01 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:33:01 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:33:01 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000cb.docx
    (5896) 20/01/14 15:33:01 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=3 OLE_Error=0
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:43 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: Timeout during conversion from C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f4.docx to C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f7.dcx.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:43 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: stopping ConvertThread, starting again
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:46 - INFO:    FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - ERROR:   ConvertFile(): conversion has failed -->retry.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    ConvertFile(): 2.Trial converting 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f4.docx' (DOC) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f7.dcx' (DCX_FAX).
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000cd.docx
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:50 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=1 OLE_Error=0
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:59 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:59 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:59 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000ce.docx
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:33:59 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=2 OLE_Error=0
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:34:08 - INFO:    FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='WINWORD.EXE'
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:34:08 - INFO:    FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:34:08 - INFO:    FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\docx000cf.docx
    (3720) 20/01/14 15:34:08 - INFO:    FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=3 OLE_Error=0
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:50 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: Timeout during conversion from C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f4.docx to C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f7.dcx.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:50 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: stopping ConvertThread, starting again
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:53 - INFO:    FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:55 - INFO:    FFCNV32: RestartSpooler ready
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:55 - ERROR:   FFCNV32: FFaxCnvPrint-Error:PrintOle
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:55 - ERROR:   ConvertFile(): conversion from C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f4.docx (DOC) to C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/000233f7.dcx (DCX_FAX) has finally failed.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:55 - INFO:    ConvertDocument() (DOC->DCX_FAX) duration : 131500ms Error ok:0 err:1
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:55 - ERROR:   ConvertDocument(): source file format DCX_FAX does not exist.
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:57 - INFO:    StartPipeServer():Pipe:\\.\pipe\FFPrintToUser_SYSTEM not present try to start PipeServer
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:57 - INFO:    StartPipeServer(): start "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:57 - INFO:    StartPipeServer(): CreateProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFUMS\ferrariFAX-Client\fftray.exe" -NOICON OK
    (4280) 20/01/14 15:34:57 - INFO:    Job 144370 submitted.


    um die OLE-Schnittstelle für WinWord nutzen zu können, muss es auf modernen Betriebssystemen einige Zusatzeinstellungen geben, die das Service-Konto für die Nutzung im Hintergrund freischaltet. Diese Art der Ansteuerung funktioniert mit dem Standardkonverter auf den wenigsten Maschinen. Eine spezielle Anpassung hat dort die Komponente OLECONV. Bitte deaktivieren Sie testweise die OLE-Konvertierung von HTML, DOC, XLS im normalen Konverter und richten bitte testweise einen OLECONV ein. Dafür benötigt man ein (ggf. lokales) Dienstkonto, dass lokaler Administrator der OfficeMaster-Maschine ist und ein Ghostscript als weitere installierte Software.

    Viele Grüße

    Marko Riebe

