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Automatischer FAX Ausdruck geht nicht mehr

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    Automatischer FAX Ausdruck geht nicht mehr

    Hallo Forum Team
    Habe seit kurzem das Problem das der automatische Ausdruck der eingehenden FAXe nicht mehr funktioniert (SBS2011 mit Offie Master
    bis jetzt probiert:
    Drucker in Office Master löschen + printgw0 löschen. Neu anlegen.
    Ergebniss : die bis dahin erhaltenen FAXe sind alle plötzlich alle ausgedruckt worden ohne Fehler im Log. Neu ankommende FAXe gehen wieder nicht !?
    Hab einen Printscreen vom Log gemacht.
    Veilleicht hat ja von euch einer eine Idee was noch nicht laufen könnte.
    Mit bestem Dank im Voraus.
    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Log Dateien von Ferrari FAX autom Ausdruck.jpg
Ansichten: 1
Größe: 70,3 KB
ID: 10543

    Hallo Christian,

    um dir wirklich richtig helfen zu können wäre der Logausschnitt von fehlrhaftem Druckversuch hilfreicher als der von erfolgreichem Druck



      Hallo Ralf
      Ja das war wirklich nicht so schlau :-). Wollte eigentliche nur aufzeigen das nach neuem Einrichten der "Druckerschnittstelle" die "alten" FAXe rausgekommen sind und dann nichts mehr.egal.
      Hab jetzt auch endlich raus bekommen wie ich die logs abspeichern kann. :-) (war schon lange nicht mehr in der Messaging Server Konfiguration!)
      Hier mal das letzte Log File printgw0.0.

      Opened on Mon Jun 23 11:18:53 2014
      Library version
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:53 - INFO: main(): starting version compiled at Dec 6 2010 on 15:56:53 hudson-MessagingServer4-730
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:53 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:53 - ERROR: RetrieveCfg(): print rule parameter not found: 'FoamSelectStruct(): Element #0 with name 'PrinterName' and type 'STRING' could not be found.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:55 - INFO: main(): starting device detection
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:55 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 51997 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:55 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:55 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:58 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:59 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52032 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:59 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:18:59 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:02 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): enumerating printers on '\\SRVLEOP01'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:02 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\MX7600' to list.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:02 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:03 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '267 (device specific 11)'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:03 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\i9900' to list.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:03 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52042 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:03 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:04 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '7 (AUTO)'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:04 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\HP5550' to list.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:06 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:07 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '15 (FORMSOURCE), 257 (device specific 1), 258 (device specific 2), 259 (device specific 3), 260 (device specific 4), 261 (device specific 5), 1285 (device specific 1029), 1284 (device specific 1028), 1265 (device specific 1009), 1276 (device specific 1020), 1279 (device specific 1023), 1278 (device specific 1022), 1266 (device specific 1010), 1264 (device specific 1008), 1263 (device specific 1007), 1262 (device specific 1006), 1257 (device specific 1001), 1275 (device specific 1019), 1271 (device specific 1015), 1270 (device specific 1014), 1261 (device specific 1005), 1260 (device specific 1004), 1274 (device specific 1018), 1269 (device specific 1013), 1259 (device specific 1003), 1258 (device specific 1002), 1273 (device specific 1017), 1272 (device specific 1016), 1002 (device specific 746), 1280 (device specific 1024), 1282 (device specific 1026), 1267 (device specific 1011), 1283 (device specific 1027), 1281 (device specific 1025), 1277 (device specific 1021), 1268 (device specific 1012)'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:07 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\HP4730' to list.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:07 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52052 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:08 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:08 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '15 (FORMSOURCE), 257 (device specific 1), 258 (device specific 2), 259 (device specific 3), 260 (device specific 4), 261 (device specific 5), 262 (device specific 6), 1285 (device specific 1029), 1284 (device specific 1028), 1265 (device specific 1009), 1276 (device specific 1020), 1279 (device specific 1023), 1278 (device specific 1022), 1266 (device specific 1010), 1264 (device specific 1008), 1263 (device specific 1007), 1262 (device specific 1006), 1257 (device specific 1001), 1275 (device specific 1019), 1271 (device specific 1015), 1270 (device specific 1014), 1261 (device specific 1005), 1260 (device specific 1004), 1274 (device specific 1018), 1269 (device specific 1013), 1259 (device specific 1003), 1258 (device specific 1002), 1273 (device specific 1017), 1272 (device specific 1016), 1002 (device specific 746), 1280 (device specific 1024), 1282 (device specific 1026), 1267 (device specific 1011), 1283 (device specific 1027), 1281 (device specific 1025), 1277 (device specific 1021), 1268 (device specific 1012)'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:08 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\HP4345' to list.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:08 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '15 (FORMSOURCE), 257 (device specific 1), 258 (device specific 2), 259 (device specific 3), 260 (device specific 4), 261 (device specific 5), 262 (device specific 6), 263 (device specific 7), 1285 (device specific 1029), 1284 (device specific 1028), 1265 (device specific 1009), 1276 (device specific 1020), 1279 (device specific 1023), 1278 (device specific 1022), 1266 (device specific 1010), 1264 (device specific 1008), 1263 (device specific 1007), 1262 (device specific 1006), 1257 (device specific 1001), 1275 (device specific 1019), 1271 (device specific 1015), 1270 (device specific 1014), 1261 (device specific 1005), 1260 (device specific 1004), 1274 (device specific 1018), 1269 (device specific 1013), 1259 (device specific 1003), 1258 (device specific 1002), 1273 (device specific 1017), 1272 (device specific 1016), 1002 (device specific 746), 1280 (device specific 1024), 1282 (device specific 1026), 1267 (device specific 1011), 1283 (device specific 1027), 1281 (device specific 1025), 1277 (device specific 1021), 1268 (device specific 1012)'.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:08 - INFO: EnumServerPrinters(): adding printer '\\SRVLEOP01\Compa II 106/12' to list.
      (12224) 14/06/23 11:19:09 - INFO: GetPaperSources(): supported paper sources are '15 (FORMSOURCE), 257 (device specific 1)'.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:11 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:12 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:12 - ERROR: RetrieveCfg(): print rule parameter not found: 'FoamSelectStruct(): Element #0 with name 'PrinterName' and type 'STRING' could not be found.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:13 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52062 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:13 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:13 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:16 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:17 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52072 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:17 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:17 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:20 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:21 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52082 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:21 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:21 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:24 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:25 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52100 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:25 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:25 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:28 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:29 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52110 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:29 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:29 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:32 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:33 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52120 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:33 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:33 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:36 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:37 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52130 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:37 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:37 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:40 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:41 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52140 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:41 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:41 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:44 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:45 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52150 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:45 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:45 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:48 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:49 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52160 received after setup.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:49 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:49 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:52 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
      (11888) 14/06/23 11:21:47 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      Opened on Mon Jun 23 11:22:58 2014
      Library version
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:22:58 - INFO: main(): starting version compiled at Dec 6 2010 on 15:56:53 hudson-MessagingServer4-730
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:22:58 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:22:58 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 51997 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:22:58 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:02 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52032 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52042 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52052 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:03 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52062 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52072 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52082 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:04 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52100 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52110 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:05 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52120 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52130 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52140 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:06 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52150 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJobExecute(): incoming job 52160 received after setup.
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print job on default printer
      (4480) 14/06/23 11:23:07 - INFO: PrintJob(): Print on default device '\\srvleop01\hp4345' successfully.
      (4480) 14/06/23 12:17:18 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      Closed on Mon Jun 23 12:17:29 2014
      Opened on Mon Jun 23 12:17:42 2014
      Library version
      (5976) 14/06/23 12:17:42 - INFO: main(): starting version compiled at Dec 6 2010 on 15:56:53 hudson-MessagingServer4-730
      (5976) 14/06/23 12:17:42 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.
      (5976) 14/06/23 12:17:56 - WARNING: RetrieveCfg(): configuration parameter not found: 'PrintOnlyFirstPage'.

      Vielleicht findest du darin einen Ansatz für mich zur Problemlösung.


        Hallo Christian

        (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:49 - WARNING: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created first time, try again in 3 sec: Error=1801.
        (11888) 14/06/23 11:19:52 - ERROR: PrintJob(): device context for '' could not be created: Error=1801.
        Diese Stelle im Log zeigt an, dass versucht wird auf einen Drucker zu drucken, dessen Name nicht angegeben ist (vgl.

        Außerdem zeigt das Log mehrere Starts der PrintGW-Komponente
        1. Mit Druckersuche im Netzwerk und fehlendem Druckernamen
        2. Ohne Druckersuche, mit konfiguriertem Druckernamen und erfolgreichem Druck

        Es wäre also hier eine gute Idee die Konfiguration der Komponente nochmals zu prüfen und sicherzustellen, dass die Druckersuche deaktiviert ist und mnd. ein vorhandener Drucker für den Ausruck aller bzw. bestimmter Faxe (anhand der Faxdurchwahl) konfiguriert ist.



          Hallo Ralf
          Fehler Gefunden !!!!
          Kleine Ursache, große Wirkung. Also zur Info falls jemand mal das selbe Problem hat.
          Die auf dem SBS inst. Drucker waren nicht das Problem (hab ich mir auch gedacht) sonder die konfig. im Messaging Server.
          (der andere Freigabename für den Drucker im LOG kommt auch daher das ich jenen der für den FAX ausdruck zuständig ist ebenfalls neu installiert habe weil ich dachte das vielleicht bein "Drucker" das Problem liegt.)
          Wie auch immer. Bei Neuanlage eines printgwX und hinzufügen eines Druckers sollte zum einen der printgwX Dienst sowie der OfficeMaster Messaging Server Dienst mind. einmal neu gestartet werden damit er auch alle Feigegebenen Drucker finden. Kann ein bischen dauern. Wird dann der gewünschte Drucker in der Druckerliste hinzugefügt MUSS !!! ein FAX-Adressfilter drinnen sein sonst kommt NIX !!!!! (zumindest bei mir).
          Problem war das der Assitent einmal in das Fax-Adressfilter Feld gar nichts eingefügt hat und ein anders mal plötzlich -.* eingefügt hat was "keine Ziffernfolge" bedeutet = nichts wird gedruckt !!!!
          Richtiger weise (falls es sowieso nur ein FAX gibt und alles rauskommen soll) muss in diesem Feld .* drinnen stehen.
          Mit diesen 2 kl. Zeichen funktioniert nun weider alles wie gehabt !!!!
          Wäre auch recht hilfreich wenn in der Doc. dazu ein Hinweis eingearbeitet wird denn wer hat schon immer eine Standard Installation !

