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Status der Schnittstellen -> 1 BRI mal nicht verfügbar

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    Status der Schnittstellen -> 1 BRI mal nicht verfügbar


    es kommt bei mir täglich vor, dass immer eine Schnittstelle "1d" im Gate (FW 3.3-250) einfach mal nicht verfügbar ist. Dieses lässt sich durch neustart der Dienste des Gates wieder "beleben".

    Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

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ID: 10504

    Ist die omcums0 Log Datei die erste Anlaufstelle? Wonach muss ich da Ausschau halten? Bestimmter Eintrag?
    Zuletzt geändert von deschus; 22.02.2013, 16:36.

    Da leider das Problem nicht nachvollzogen werden konnte habe ich die neueste FW draufgespielt 4.0-10
    lief soweit paar tage stabil. Habe gedacht das Problem wäre jetzt behoben. Leider nicht ganz
    Jetzt kommt etwas neues dazu: omcums0 dienst läuft im modus gestartet, das gate allerdings zeigte mir abends ausgegraute channels. Sodass durch "neustarten der dienste" in Gatekonfig Abhilfe Schaft und die channels kommen wieder hoch.
    Hat jemand eine Idee warum???
    Aufgefallen ist mir im Log : Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010
    und darauffolgend could not set date and time
    Warum wieso weshalb ...was ist hier los
    Hier der Log :
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3218) :jobcontrol --message="D-Channel started"
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3220) :if --channel_name="1.d/B2/S0/HFC-4S"
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::AddChannel(): adding channel 00A7B574 to list at 00A7B4A0.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3220) :if --channel_name="1.d/B1/S0/HFC-4S"
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3220) :if --channel_count=2
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: DChannel::OnIfMsg(): device reports 2 B channels.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3217) :if --channel_name="1.a/B2/S0/HFC-4S"
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::AddChannel(): adding channel 00A7CE74 to list at 00A7CDA0.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3217) :if --channel_name="1.a/B1/S0/HFC-4S"
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3217) :if --channel_count=2
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: DChannel::OnIfMsg(): device reports 2 B channels.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) :if --channel_name="1.c/B2/S0/HFC-4S"
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) :if --channel_name="1.c/B1/S0/HFC-4S"
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::AddChannel(): adding channel 00A7ADF4 to list at 00A7AD20.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) :if --channel_count=2
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: DChannel::OnIfMsg(): device reports 2 B channels.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3218) :if --channel_name="1.b/B2/S0/HFC-4S"
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3218) :if --channel_name="1.b/B1/S0/HFC-4S"
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3218) :if --channel_count=2
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: DChannel::OnIfMsg(): device reports 2 B channels.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::AddChannel(): adding channel 00A7A674 to list at 00A7A5A0.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) :sh --status=0
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) OMG 4.0
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:23:03 - INFO: <--(3219) :sh --status=0
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:23:09 - INFO: <--(3220) :alive
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - WARNING: DChannel::CheckJcAlive(): initiating maintenance cycle because of job control message missing for 206 seconds.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ThreadMethod(): shutting down D channel handler after socket error.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::RemoveChannel(): removing channel 00A7B574 from list at 00A7B4A0.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: <--(3217) :alive
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - WARNING: DChannel::CheckJcAlive(): initiating maintenance cycle because of job control message missing for 206 seconds.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ThreadMethod(): shutting down D channel handler after socket error.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::RemoveChannel(): removing channel 00A7CE74 from list at 00A7CDA0.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ShutDown(): disconnecting from job control while shutting down D channel handler.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: --> :quit
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: <--(3219) :alive
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - WARNING: DChannel::CheckJcAlive(): initiating maintenance cycle because of job control message missing for 206 seconds.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ThreadMethod(): shutting down D channel handler after socket error.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::RemoveChannel(): removing channel 00A7ADF4 from list at 00A7AD20.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: <--(3218) :alive
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - WARNING: DChannel::CheckJcAlive(): initiating maintenance cycle because of job control message missing for 206 seconds.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ThreadMethod(): shutting down D channel handler after socket error.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: JobQueue<AppSpec>::RemoveChannel(): removing channel 00A7A674 from list at 00A7A5A0.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ShutDown(): disconnecting from job control while shutting down D channel handler.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: --> :quit
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ShutDown(): disconnecting from job control while shutting down D channel handler.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: DChannel::ShutDown(): disconnecting from job control while shutting down D channel handler.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: --> :exit
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:35 - INFO: --> :quit
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120262013.55
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120262013.55
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120262013.55
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:26:55 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120262013.55
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: OmcSock::ShellCmd(): shell command timeout.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - ERROR: DChannel::SetCardTime(): card time could not be set.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): could not set date and time.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): initiating maintenance cycle after startup error.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): shortest job abort time=60.
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): disconnecting from job control while entering maintenance mode (with corrupt b-channel).
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: OmcSock::ShellCmd(): shell command timeout.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - ERROR: DChannel::SetCardTime(): card time could not be set.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): could not set date and time.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): initiating maintenance cycle after startup error.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): shortest job abort time=60.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): disconnecting from job control while entering maintenance mode (with corrupt b-channel).
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: --> :quit
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: OmcSock::ShellCmd(): shell command timeout.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - ERROR: DChannel::SetCardTime(): card time could not be set.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): could not set date and time.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): initiating maintenance cycle after startup error.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): shortest job abort time=60.
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): disconnecting from job control while entering maintenance mode (with corrupt b-channel).
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: --> :quit
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: OmcSock::ShellCmd(): shell command timeout.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - ERROR: DChannel::SetCardTime(): card time could not be set.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): could not set date and time.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): initiating maintenance cycle after startup error.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): shortest job abort time=60.
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: DChannel::EnterMaintenance(): disconnecting from job control while entering maintenance mode (with corrupt b-channel).
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: --> :quit
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:05 - INFO: --> :exit
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (16596) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120272013.45
    (15104) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120272013.45
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120272013.45
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: DChannel::Connect(): connecting to fax device
    (16008) 13/03/21 20:27:45 - INFO: --> :sh date 032120272013.45
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:55 - WARNING: OmcSock::ShellCmd(): shell command timeout.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:55 - ERROR: DChannel::SetCardTime(): card time could not be set.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:55 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): could not set date and time.
    (3720) 13/03/21 20:27:55 - WARNING: DChannel::InitJobControl(): initiating maintenance cycle after startup error.



      die Probleme hatte ich, wenn die Zeit vom Gate und vom Server auseinander laufen. Passiert, wenn der Server keine NTP-Synchronisation hat.

      Lösung: Im Gate den eingetragenen NTP-Server durch "xxxxxx" ersetzen, dann holt sich das Gate die Zeit vom Officemaster und bleibt synchron.

      Probier mal, ob das die Ursache ist.
      Viele Grüße,
      Willmar Heinrich


        Hallo Willmar,

        vielen Dank für den Vorschlag. Habe ich gemacht, leider kein Erfolg. 2 Tage lief gut und nun wieder das gleiche wie vorhin. socket error und dann maintenance cycle und startup error mit could not set date and time
        Passiert sporadisch zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten und gefühlt 1 mal in 2 Tagen
        Zuletzt geändert von deschus; 03.04.2013, 13:55.


          kurzes Update des Threads:
          wir haben seit dem Update 4.0-20 seit einer Woche keinen Fehler! Hura .... hoffentlich bleibt das so

