(3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: Job 32810 accepted. (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq() vor ConvertJob (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: fms_write_job(): LogInfo ind= 1. (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FF UMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/0000802b.htm' (HTML) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/wo rk/conv0/work/0000802d.dcx' (DCX_FAX). (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): acquiring printer mu tex. (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): setting start signal . (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: CONVERSION_TIMEOUT set to 60 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): finished waiting f or start event (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting converter ID (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): converter ID=80000 003 for 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/0000802b.htm' (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting letter pag e option (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): getting default le tter head (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting letter pag e option (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting default le tter head (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): starting OLE conve rsion (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting temp path (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): getting driver mode (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): setting driver mode (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): opening printer (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling ExecOle() (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: UseShellExecute=1 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMajorVersion=6 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: WindowsMinorVersion=1 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: verwende ShellExecute (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:Extension:.htm-> FileType=htmlfile) (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: FFCNV32: GetFileAssociation:ModulName='MSOHT MED.EXE' (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): TmpFile (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\htm000c9.htm (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintObject(): calling PrintShellEx ecute() using copy (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: FFCNV32: PrintShellExcute (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: FFCNV32: C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\htm000c9.htm (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ShellExecuteEx start (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: wait for end of process (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: process normal stopped (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: se.hProcess=0 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - INFO: FFCNV32: ExecOle OleCounter=1 OLE_Error=0 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:26 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobC ount() trials=0 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:27 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobC ount() nWaits=0 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:28 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobC ount() nWaits=1 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): calling GetPrintJobC ount() nWaits=2 (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): printing first of 1 jobs (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): starting printer (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StartFaxPrinter TmpFile=C:\Windows\ TEMP\DCX000ca.TMP (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): stopping printer (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter begin (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterSt art (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterEn dDoc (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter ResetEvent PrinterSt op (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: StopFaxPrinter end (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintFile(): wait for printer chang e notification (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOleFax(): assembling output fi le (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): closing printer (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PrintOle(): restoring driver mode (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PostProcDeleteFile:Terminate'MSOHTM ED.EXE' (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: TerminateProcess(): MSOHTMED.EXE (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: PostProcDeleteFile:'C:\ProgramData\ FFUMS\htm000c9.htm' (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring letter p age option (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): restoring default letter head (4740) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: ConvertThread(): setting done event (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): conversion finished (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: FFCNV32: FFaxConvert(): printer mutex releas ed (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (HTML->DCX_FAX) duration : 3203ms OK ok:1 err:0 (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - INFO: ConvertFile(): converting 'C:\ProgramData\FF UMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/0000802d.dcx' (DCX_FAX) to 'C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv /work/conv0/work/0000802e.bff' (BFF). (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - INFO: ConvertFaxFormat(): pInName='C:\ProgramData\ FFUMS\fmsrv/work/conv0/work/0000802d.dcx' pOutName='C:\ProgramData\FFUMS\fmsrv/w ork/conv0/work/0000802e.bff'. (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - INFO: ConvertDocument() (DCX_FAX->BFF) duration : 31ms OK ok:1 err:0 (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - DEBUG: OnJobSubmitReq() nach ConvertJob (3172) 13/04/04 19:15:29 - INFO: Job 32810 submitted.